How to determine the presence of parasites in the human body.

Parasites are the simplest organisms that live off humans. For nutrition, they use cells, vitamins, substances, tissues - everything that is for the benefit of our health.

In addition, parasites are known to poison the body by releasing harmful substances. Let us consider in more detail the symptoms of the presence of parasites in the human body, their habitat, how to get rid of them and preventive measures against their appearance.

Harm from parasites in the body

First of all, the functioning of the organs is disrupted, namely, inflammation occurs that destroys the tissues. Often these creatures alien to us produce toxins, which over time contribute to the poisoning of the whole organism.

poisoning of a woman's body with parasites

The microorganisms that live in the intestines feed on nutrients that enter the stomach along with food. As a result, the first symptom of the presence of a parasite in the body arises: a person has a slowdown in growth, as well as a violation of mental and physical development.

Parasites have the ability to live for years, and eggs with larvae are very resistant to the surrounding microflora.For example, in the digestive system, for their own defense, they release substances that inactivate enzymes that process food during metabolism.

Subsequently, the digestion processes are disrupted. Therefore, sometimes the symptoms of the presence of parasites in the human body often resemble gastrointestinal diseases.

Common parasites

The most common human parasites are as follows:

  • lice- the bite of these arthropods first irritates the skin, and then turns into eczema or purulent lesions;
  • pinworms- small round worms with a white tint, causing a disease such as enterobiasis;
  • roundwormsare parasitic worms, whose vital activity occurs in the intestinal tract. The length of a sexually mature male reaches 24 cm, of a female as much as 40 cm;
  • whipworm- ranks 3rd in terms of the frequency of the disease. Infection with this parasite causes a disease - trichocephalosis. The female of this parasite is large, reaching 5. 5 cm, the male is somewhat smaller - from 4 to 5 cm;
  • lamblia- live in two formations: vegetative and spore forms. In the first case, their vital activity takes place in the upper part of the small intestine, in the second - in the large intestine;
  • cat fluke- affects the liver and provokes the occurrence of opisthorchiasis;
  • common parasites in humans
  • Trichinella- round-shaped worms. Cause helminthic invasion;
  • toxocara- similar to roundworm, only the diameter of the larva is 0. 02 mm;
  • intestinal acne- a filamentous parasite up to 2 mm long;
  • nekator- the larvae of the toothed worm enter the body through the pores of the legs while walking barefoot. Their path begins with the right atrium and ends with the pulmonary artery. Breaking the walls of the capillaries, they enter the alveoli and from there through the respiratory tract into the pharynx.

Infection paths

You can get infected in different ways. Each of them is associated with the development cycle of a particular parasite. However, in medicine, there are 3 main sources of infection:

  1. Through food and water.However, often contamination occurs due to improper storage and preparation. But sometimes there is an initial infection, that is, when a product infected with parasites has gone through poor heat treatment;
  2. Through the contact-household method.In this case, the infection is transmitted from another person or pet;
  3. Through blood-sucking insects.This path is also known as transmission;
  4. Through communication with pets,who walk on the street.
parasite infestation from pets

There are larvae capable of independently entering the human body. A symptom of the presence of a parasite of this form is dermatobiasis disease. In this case, the larva gets on the skin, gnaws it on its own and finds itself inside the host's body.

Signs of the presence of parasites

We suggest considering 10 main features:

  1. Constipation.Blocking of the organs of the digestive system can occur because the large size of the worms interferes with the normal course of peristalsis or secretions. An abundance of them closes the ducts (bile and intestinal), thereby complicating the process of bowel movement.
  2. Diarrhea.There are parasitic living organisms that produce hormone-like substances that cause watery bowel movements.
  3. diarrhea in a woman is a sign of parasites
  4. Bloating, gasis another factor in the presence of worms. If you do not pay attention to the periodic bloating, then the symptom of the presence of parasites will appear in the human body with varying intensity and for several months, and sometimes years.
  5. Irritable Bowel Syndrome.Parasites can not only irritate, but provoke inflammation. As a result, this leads to a decrease in the rate of assimilation of substances.
  6. bloating in the abdomen is one of the factors in the presence of worms
  7. Pain in muscle tissues and joints.In order to find the most comfortable environment, some microorganisms move in the body. More often they choose muscles or joint fluid. Thus, a person experiences pain and often attributes the symptom to the effects of arthritis. Also, the symptom is considered the result of injury to muscle tissue worms.
  8. Allergy.Toxins often increase the dose of eosinophil production. It is this substance that inflames tissues and provokes allergies.
  9. Skin problems.Often, worms cause rashes, eczema, urticaria. Their presence also results in skin ulcers, dermatitis, swelling and papillomas. When the gastrointestinal tract is infected, the face becomes covered with early wrinkles, baldness appears, cracks are visible on the heels, and the nails become brittle.
  10. Anemia.As mentioned earlier, parasites suck out all nutrients, and a large amount of them causes blood loss. As a result, the body lacks iron.
  11. Overweight.The symptom is associated with the defeat of the body by tapeworms, it means one thing: the protective reaction of the human body due to poisoning with products that contribute to the vital activity of parasites.
  12. Nervousness.Toxins produced by microorganisms irritate the central nervous system. As a result, a person develops depression, an increase in anxiety and nervousness.

Pay attention! Diarrhea and constipation are not only the consequences of malnutrition, but also the first symptoms of the presence of parasites in the human body.

How to identify by appearance

According to the place of their vital activity, parasites are divided into 2 types:

  1. Endoparasites(worms, lamblia, echinococcus, etc. ) - those who live inside;
  2. Ectoparasites,living outside (lice, fleas, bedbugs).

Ectoparasite infestation can be easily identified by appearance. A rash appears on the body, accompanied by itching, redness, and burning. Often small wounds (penetration sites) remain at the site of his bite.

headaches can be provoked by parasites

Determining endoparasite infestation is more difficult, because they live inside the body. These parasites have learned to adapt to the body of their host during evolution. Studies have shown that it sometimes takes months, or even decades, from the moment of infection to the onset of primary symptoms.

How to diagnose a disease

Diagnosis of invasion is possible by the following symptoms:

  • pale skin;
  • gastrointestinal problems;
  • lesion of the upper layer of the dermis;
  • cosmetic problems;
  • weight jumps;
  • occurrence of chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • regular headaches;
  • teeth grinding during sleep;
  • swelling of the limbs;
  • pain in joints and muscles;
  • disorder of the central nervous system;
  • itching in the perineum and anus.

Is treatment always necessary

When infected, the human body weakens, becomes allergic, and is poisoned by toxins. Of course, the lightning-fast development of these symptoms is not observed, but the lack of treatment often causes serious health problems.

Medicines from the pharmacy

The most effective drugs include the following drugs:

  • for ascariasis: piperazine adipate and pyrantel;
  • for enterobiasis: mebendazole;
  • from paragonimiasis, schistosomiasis, opisthorchiasis,
  • for echinococcus: mebendazole;
  • from bovine tapeworm: praziquantel.

Popular folk remedies

In addition to garlic and white pumpkin seeds, as the three most useful products for resisting parasite infestation, nature has created 3 plants that can cleanse the human body when the first symptoms of parasite infestation appear: cloves, walnuts and wormwood.

Purification of the body from enterobionts using walnuts.Pour 0. 5 liters of vodka into the green crust of 15 walnuts and put in a dark place for a month. Take within 5 days, after dissolving one drop of the tincture in 0. 1 l of water. After that, increase the dosage to 2 -2. 5 tsp. and take 2 times a day for a whole year.

cleansing the body of parasites with walnuts

Purification with the medicinal plant wormwood.Grind dried plant seeds. Reception should be started with one pinch. By the 15th day of admission, the dosage should reach 1. 5 hours. After that, take 0. 5 tsp per day. Finally, use the same dosage only once a week.

Cleansing the body with clove seeds.Grind the seeds to a powdery state. You need to start with 1. 5 tsp, gradually reducing the dosage to one spoon. The course of admission is 10 days.

Infection prevention

Once the parasite enters our body, it passes through 3 environments:

  1. Alkaline (oral cavity);
  2. Sour (stomach);
  3. Alkaline (bile).

If everything is in order with every barrier, then you will not be afraid of a single parasite. Even if it is already in the body, it will be excreted naturally. But when at least one barrier is violated, it signals a violation of the entire system.

First,to prevent infection, it is necessary to regularly observe hygiene of hands and the whole body, tidy up the oral cavity: cure sick teeth, bleeding gums, stomatitis, get rid of an unpleasant odor.

hand hygiene protects against the entry of parasites into the body

Second, establish a drinking regimeand follow a proper diet.

Third, eliminate bile stagnation.

And, of course, for the prevention of parasite diseases, do not forget about the general rules of hygiene.